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AUDIOBOOKS Now hear this! New Society is excited to present our audiobook collection for your listening pleasure. Check back often as we will add new titles regularly.

Facing the Climate Emergency, Second Edition (Audiobook)
**Overwhelmed by climate anxiety? Transform your angst into action to become the hero humanity needs**A lifeline for those suffering from climate anxiety, 'Facing the Climate Emergency' combines expertise in clinical psychology and disruptive climate activism to help readers transform their fear and grief ...

Facing the Climate Emergency, Second Edition (Audiobook)

Audiobook $29.99
print and ebook available

Indigenomics (Audiobook)

Indigenomics lays out the tenets of the emerging Indigenous economy, built around relationships, multigenerational stewardship, and care for all. Includes voices of leading First Nations business leaders. Powerful reading for business leaders, policymakers, and economists.

Indigenomics (Audiobook)

Audiobook $31.99
print and ebook available

How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change (Audiobook)

How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change provides tools and strategies for parents to explain the climate emergency to their children, maintain hope in the face of crisis, and galvanize positive action by encouraging today's children to follow their passions in pursuit of a livable world.

How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change (Audiobook)

Audiobook $27.99
print and ebook available

The Market Gardener (Audiobook)

‣ As local organic agriculture continues to flourish, a cohort of young professional growers are leading the way with innovative ideas about farming. The Market Gardener provides hands-on information about growing for CSA and farmers markets. Based on low-tech, high-yield methods of production, this is a modern, micro-scale farming handbook.

The Market Gardener (Audiobook)

Audiobook $26.95
print and ebook available

Soil Science for Gardeners (Audiobook)

Soil Science for Gardeners is an easy-to-read, practical guide to the science behind a healthy soil ecosystem and thriving plants. The book debunks common myths, explains soil science basics, and provides the reader with the knowledge to create a personalized soil fertility improvement program for better plants.

Soil Science for Gardeners (Audiobook)

Audiobook $34.99
print and ebook available

The Urban Farmer (Audiobook)

‣ Farming is taking root in our cities. With only a small capital investment, and without the need to own land, you can become part of this growing movement. The Urban Farmer will help you learn the crops, techniques and business strategies you need to make a good living growing food intensively right in your own backyard.

The Urban Farmer (Audiobook)

Audiobook $29.95
print and ebook available

Elegant Simplicity (Audiobook)

Elegant Simplicity provides a philosophy of life that weaves together simplicity of material life, thought, and spirit and distills Satish Kumar's five decades of wisdom into a guide for pursuing a life that prioritizes the ecological integrity of Earth, social equity, and personal happiness.

Elegant Simplicity (Audiobook)

Audiobook $34.99
print and ebook available

Bokashi Composting (Audiobook)

‣ Bokashi is Japanese for "fermented organic matter." Bokashi composting is a safe, quick, and convenient way to compost in your kitchen, garage, or apartment, using a specific group of microorganisms to anaerobically ferment all food waste (including meat and dairy). Since the process takes place in a closed system, insects and ...

Bokashi Composting (Audiobook)

Audiobook $16.95
print and ebook available

Culture Gap (Audiobook)

Culture Gap: Towards a New World in the Yalakom Valley tells the story of a two year sojourn at the Camelsfoot Commume in a remote valley in BC, Canada. The challenges and privations, the joys and adventures of rural communal living, form the backdrop to the human drama the author recounts. Judith and Kip Plant's family includes ...

Culture Gap (Audiobook)

Audiobook $23.99
print and ebook available

Reclaiming the Commons for the Common Good (Audiobook)
Commoning was a way of life for most of our ancestors. In 'Reclaiming the Commons for the Common Good' , author Heather Menzies journeys to her roots in the Scottish Highlands, where her family lived in direct relation with the land since before recorded time. Beginning with an intimate account of ...

Reclaiming the Commons for the Common Good (Audiobook)

Audiobook $27.99
print and ebook available

Becoming the Kind Father (Audiobook)

‣ This guide offers helpful insight for the millions of men who want to become kinder human beings. A must-read for every woman who loves an angry or emotionally distant man.

Becoming the Kind Father (Audiobook)

Audiobook $22.95
print and ebook available

Are We Done Fighting? (Audiobook)

Are We Done Fighting? provides research, practical activities, and inspirational stories of success for cultivating inner change and spreading peace at the community level and beyond. Essential for everyone working to build understanding as an antidote to the politics of hate and division.

Are We Done Fighting? (Audiobook)

Audiobook $36.95
print and ebook available

The Clean Money Revolution (Audiobook)

The Clean Money Revolution is part memoir of an inspiring thought leader's journey from presidential campaigner to pioneering investor, part insider's guide to businesses remaking the world, and part manifesto for a new vision of profit, power, and purpose.

The Clean Money Revolution (Audiobook)

Audiobook $34.99
print and ebook available

Plant Science for Gardeners (Audiobook)

Plant Science for Gardeners is the key to growing better plants. This easy introduction to plant biology and chemistry gives you the knowledge and confidence to analyze problems, find solutions, and make better decisions in the garden to optimize plant health and productivity. Learn the science and ditch the rules!

Plant Science for Gardeners (Audiobook)

Audiobook $31.99
print and ebook available

Living the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle (Audiobook)

Living the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle reveals the carbon cost of everything we do and shows how to slash your own carbon footprint by 80% to 2.5 tonnes per year by choosing a life of quality over quantity, and sufficiency over efficiency, as we race to save our only home from catastrophic heating.

Living the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle (Audiobook)

Audiobook $34.99
print and ebook available

Essential Rainwater Harvesting (Audiobook)

Essential Rainwater Harvesting covers complete home-scale rainwater harvesting system design including goal setting, system planning, site assessment, calculations, and material selection and sizing for all climates.

Essential Rainwater Harvesting (Audiobook)

Audiobook $49.99
print and ebook available

i-Minds - 2nd Edition (Audiobook)

‣ Engaging and scientifically rigorous, this fully updated edition of i-Minds explores screen-based technology's assimilation into our lives, pondering them as both godsend and plague, demonstrating how constant connectivity is changing our brains and exploring positive steps to take to embrace new technologies.

i-Minds - 2nd Edition (Audiobook)

Audiobook $39.95
print and ebook available

Nature-Based Therapy (Audiobook)

Nature-Based Therapy is a practical guide for those working in educational and therapeutic settings. It addresses the disconnection between humans and their ecological home, and offers successful theories and practices undertaken with children, youth, and families.

Nature-Based Therapy (Audiobook)

Audiobook $36.95
print and ebook available

Grocery Story (Audiobook)

Grocery Story makes a compelling case for how food co-ops, as alternatives to corporate grocery giants, are spurring the creation of delicious local food economies and stronger communities, while changing the global food system for the better.

Grocery Story (Audiobook)

Audiobook $34.99
print and ebook available

Microbe Science for Gardeners (Audiobook)
**Your garden's little helpers – the role of microbes in growing great plants**Microscopic organisms are as important to plant growth as water and light. 'Microbe Science for Gardeners' highlights the essential role of microbes in plant biosystems and soil health, provides practical how-to gardening advice ...

Microbe Science for Gardeners (Audiobook)

Audiobook $34.99
print and ebook available

Invest Like You Give a Damn (Audiobook)

‣ Invest Like You Give a Damn is a different kind of investment book. It tells stories of people just like you who give a damn but who stomped the devil of inertia to align their money with their values. Complete step-by-step guidance from one-click investing to deep-dive portfolio building. It's time to give a damn about what your money does!

Invest Like You Give a Damn (Audiobook)

Audiobook $29.99
print and ebook available

The Book of Nature Connection (Audiobook)

The Book of Nature Connection is packed with fun activities for using our senses to connect to nature in a deep and nourishing way. From "extenda-ears" and acorn whistles to camouflage games and scent scavenger hunts, enjoy over 70 diverse and incredible sensory nature activities for all ages.

The Book of Nature Connection (Audiobook)

Audiobook $29.99
print and ebook available

A Brief History of the Earth's Climate (Audiobook)

A Brief History of the Earth's Climate is an accessible, illustrated, myth-busting guide to the natural evolution of the Earth's climate over 4.6 billion years, how and why human-caused global warming and climate change is different and more dangerous, and how to counter skeptics and deniers with sound science.

A Brief History of the Earth's Climate (Audiobook)

Audiobook $29.99
print and ebook available

Dark Age America (Audiobook)

‣ After decades of missed opportunities, the door to a sustainable future has closed, and the future we face is the unraveling of today's industrial civilization in the face of uncontrolled climate change and resource depletion. The questions we need to ask now focus on what comes next.

Dark Age America (Audiobook)

Audiobook $19.99
print and ebook available

Decline and Fall (Audiobook)

Decline and Fall sheds new light on the misunderstood idea of empire, shows how the US backed itself into a corner in the pursuit of political and economic power, and maps the road back to democracy in the wake of imperial collapse.

Decline and Fall (Audiobook)

Audiobook $19.95
print and ebook available

Humanizing the Economy (Audiobook)

‣ The cooperative sector boasts 800 million people worldwide, and the UN has declared 2012 to be the year of the co-op. Humanizing the Economy demonstrates how co-operative models for economic and social development are showing the way toward a more equitable future.

Humanizing the Economy (Audiobook)

Audiobook $24.99
print and ebook available

On Gandhi's Path (Audiobook)

‣ This inspiring biography explores the life and work of the land trust pioneer, peace activist, and father of the relocalization movement. A conscientious war resistor imprisoned for his beliefs, Bob Swann engaged in lifelong nonviolent direct action against war, racism, and economic inequity. His legacy is a vision of a life-affirming, alternative economy based on land and monetary reform.

On Gandhi's Path (Audiobook)

Audiobook $16.95
ebook available

The Big Swim (Audiobook)

‣ Carrie Saxifrage weaves compelling, thought-provoking and often humorous autobiographical stories into a climate-change memoir. From a four-hour swim through frigid open water to finding balance in a blueberry field, The Big Swim shows that personal growth arises from facing both inner tensions and threats to the biosphere.

The Big Swim (Audiobook)

Audiobook $25.95
print and ebook available

The Joy of Missing Out (Audiobook)

The Joy of Missing Out examines the implications of a technologically focused life and suggests options to cultivate a richer on- and off-line existence. Through historical data, typewritten letters, chapter challenges and personal accounts, this makes a case for increasing intentionality and being more present in our daily lives.

The Joy of Missing Out (Audiobook)

Audiobook $29.99
print and ebook available

Changemakers (Audiobook)

Changemakers is the guidebook for people aiming to create a just and ecological society. We hold the power to make personal changes that can drive local changes and tip into large-scale social transformation. Explores transformative learning and presents stories of people who transformed their lives, communities, and wider society.

Changemakers (Audiobook)

Audiobook $29.99
print and ebook available

The Aging of Aquarius (Audiobook)

The Aging of Aquarius takes readers on a journey to find a new identity and passion and purpose in retirement. From gardening clubs to political campaigning, to social investing and creative work, it offers inspiration, practical steps, and resources.

The Aging of Aquarius (Audiobook)

Audiobook $25.99
print and ebook available

In the Business of Change (Audiobook)
In the Business of Change chronicles how social entrepreneurs weary of waste and injustice are using business savvy to tackle challenges in their communities. Part story-telling, part lessons learned, this book is for everyone who wants to rebuild their communities and believes that business can be a powerful, positive force for change.

In the Business of Change (Audiobook)

Audiobook $27.99
print and ebook available

The Winter Market Gardener (Audiobook)
**The Complete Practical Guide to Growing Vegetables Year-Round in Northern Climates for Local Markets**MANY SMALL FARMS shut down during the dark winter months. Yet with the right techniques, equipment, and cultivars, year-round growing can produce the highest quality and tastiest fresh local vegetables, ...

The Winter Market Gardener (Audiobook)

Audiobook $44.99
print and ebook available

Compost Science for Gardeners (Audiobook)
**Create your own compost and grow better plants.**With breathtaking clarity, 'Compost Science for Gardeners' demystifies composting practices and helps readers determine the best technique for their unique situation. This comprehensive science-based book is your key to building healthier soil and growing ...

Compost Science for Gardeners (Audiobook)

Audiobook $31.99
print and ebook available

Ecological Footprint (Audiobook)
**The only metric that tracks how much nature we have – and how much nature we use**Ecological Footprint accounting, first introduced in the 1990s and continuously developed, continues to be the only metric that compares overall human demand on nature with what our planet can renew — its biocapacity — ...

Ecological Footprint (Audiobook)

Audiobook $34.99
print and ebook available

I Want a Better Catastrophe (Audiobook)
**An existential manual for tragic optimists, can-do pessimists, and compassionate doomers**With global warming projected to rocket past the 1.5°C limit, lifelong activist Andrew Boyd is thrown into a crisis of hope, and off on a quest to learn how to live with the "impossible news" of our climate doom.He ...

I Want a Better Catastrophe (Audiobook)

Audiobook $49.99
print and ebook available

Guerrilla Gardening (Audiobook)

‣ This "manualfesto" on public gardening for the public good puts urban design back into the hands of urban dwellers. Expert advice, user tips and inspirational messages from the field offer a bold new look at how we create our cities ourselves.

Guerrilla Gardening (Audiobook)

Audiobook $29.99
ebook available

The Resilience Imperative (Audiobook)
We find ourselves between a rock and a hot place compelled by the intertwining forces of peak oil and climate change to reinvent our economic life at a much more local and regional scale. The Resilience Imperative argues for a major SEE (Social, Ecological, Economic) Change as a prerequisite for replacing ...

The Resilience Imperative (Audiobook)

Audiobook $37.99
print and ebook available

Earth for All (Audiobook)

Earth For All is an antidote to despair. Combining the global economy, population, inequality, food, and energy in a state-of-the art computer model, a leading group of scientists and economists present a plan of five system-shifting steps to achieve prosperity for all within planetary limits in a single generation.

Earth for All (Audiobook)

Audiobook $29.99
print and ebook available

Farm The City (Audiobook)

Farm the City is an introduction to the principles, methods, and realities of starting an urban farm derived from the success of Sole Food Street Farms, one of the largest urban agricultural enterprises in North America. Covers navigating regulations and finding land, to crop planning, fundraising, marketing, and more.

Farm The City (Audiobook)

Audiobook $24.99
print and ebook available

Power (Audiobook)

Power traces how humans have come to overpower the earth's natural systems and to oppress one another, with catastrophic consequences. We must rapidly re-learn the lessons of power self-limitation rooted in evolution and human history if we are to stave off ecological and social collapse and enjoy a thriving future.

Power (Audiobook)

Audiobook $39.99
print and ebook available

What's Up with White Women? (Audiobook)

What's Up with White Women? is a guide for white women to strengthen their anti-racism practices. A powerful model using self-reflection and real-life stories of white women's experiences with sexism and white privilege gives them the tools to cultivate genuine partnerships with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.

What's Up with White Women? (Audiobook)

Audiobook $34.99
print and ebook available

Essential Green Roof Construction (Audiobook)

Essential Green Roof Construction is a comprehensive, in-depth guide to building simple green roofs for houses and small buildings. Packed with detailed photos, illustrations, case studies, and code compliance advice, it offers clear step-by-step instructions necessary to create your own living roof.

Essential Green Roof Construction (Audiobook)

Audiobook $44.99
print and ebook available

Human Permaculture (Audiobook)

Human Permaculture is a forward-thinking guide that adapts permaculture principles for complete life redesign to align with the planet's available resources. Offering step-by-step instructions, it explores permaculture concepts, personal niches, efficient teamwork, and our vital links with the natural world.

Human Permaculture (Audiobook)

Audiobook $31.99
print and ebook available