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The Elderberry Book (PDF)

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$29.99 $19.50 CAD
Publisher: New Society Publishers
Pub. Date: 2019-09-24
ISBN: 9781550927122
Format: Digital - 128 pages
Size: 7.5" x 9" (w x h)
BISAC: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diet & Nutrition / General

The Elderberry Book (PDF)

Forage, Cultivate, Prepare, Preserve

Once a staple in homes across the world, and found along every highland, highway, and hedgerow, the forgotten elderberry is making a comeback. Its popularity as medicine is surging, its choice as an edible landscaping plant is growing, and its use for wine-making and crafts is being rediscovered.

Spanning history and geography, The Elderberry Book takes you on an adventure, deepening your appreciation of a plant that has played a crucial role across the world for thousands of years. Through this fun, inspirational, and educational resource, discover:

  • Elderberry's amazing history
  • Cultivating and foraging, from the balcony to the backyard
  • Various traditional food and medicine preparations
  • Simple wine-making techniques
  • Traditional crafts and tools.

This is the definitive guide to the many uses of elderberry; no matter where you are, one of humankind's oldest plant friends can provide you with anything from syrup to wine to dyes, and more.

About the Author

John Moody is the founder of Whole Life Services and Whole Life Buying Club. He won the 2013 Weston A. Price activist of the year award and is one of two old timers and five rambunctious kids who farms and homesteads on 35 acres in Kentucky.

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